Day 2: Something that is illegal but should be legal.
Prayer in schools. Or Christian Religion in schools. How is it the governments right to keep kids from PRAYING- not vandalizing, vulgar dancing, or swearing but praying- in school? Praying is "an address to God in word or thought." I'm sorry, but I fail to see how praying is taking rights away from someone else. I fail to see how doing something as simple as talking with your head bowed whilst holding hands in a circle is hurting anyone. I mean come on! How is PRAYING hurting anyone? Can someone PLEASE enlighten me?!?
Plus, why can we openly talk, share, and practice other religions in schools when we can't do the same with Christianity? When I went to school we had a topic in World History called World Religions. We talked about everything from Islam to Buddhism. Sure we talked about Christianity but you know what we said? Nothing at all about our practices and what we believe in. While in the other religions we seemed to go on and on about everything there is to know about them. Projects, posters, and presentations were done about every other religion except Christianity. It was enough for me to want to drop out of the class.
One more thing before I calm down. Why are Muslims allowed to wear a Khimar (women wear these- the headresses) , or Khumur for plural, in school? Is that not practicing a religion? Is that not what the government is trying to do with Christianity? Why is there such a double standard? Now, I am not bashing them in any way. I don't want them to stop being who they are- I just want the double standard to not exist.
Praying & God should NOT be illegal in schools.